filters tractograms
./trekker filter [OPTIONS] <input tractogram>
<input tractogram> FILE REQUIRED Input tractogram (.vtk, .tck)
Please check the documentation for pathways for a detailed explanation.
Option | Description |
-o,--output FILE REQUIRED | Output tractogram (.vtk, .tck) |
-p, --pathway TEXT ... | Pathway rule. |
-s, --seed TEXT ... | Seed definition. |
--discard_seed TEXT ... | Discard seed definition. |
--minlength FLOAT | Minimum length of the tracks. Default=0. |
--maxlength FLOAT | Maximum length of the tracks. Default=infinite. |
--stopAtMax | If set to "stop", when `maxLength` is reached, the propagation stops, and the streamline is written in the output. If set to "discard", the streamline is not written in the output. Default=discard. |
--oneSided | If enabled, tracking is done only towards one direction. |
--skipSeed | Does not output the points that are within the seed region. |
--seed_trials INT | Number of random trials for assigning seed. Default: 0. |
--inOrder | If enabled, all pathway requirements are going to be satisfied in the order that they are given. All pathway options should be defined for `pathway_A/pathway_B` in order to use this option. |
--maxOut INT | Maximum number of output streamlines. |
-a, --ascii | Write ASCII output (.vtk only). |
--saveDiscarded TEXT | Path for saving discarded streamlines. |
--saveUncropped TEXT | Path for saving uncropped versions of streamlines if they were cropped during filtering. |
General options
Option | Description |
-h, --help | Print this help message and exit. |
-n, --numberOfThreads INT | Number of threads. |
-v, --verbose TEXT | Verbose level. Options are "quiet", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", and "debug". Default=info. |
-f, --force | Force overwriting of existing file. |