
adds a new field with values read from a file (.vtk only)


./trekker fieldImport [OPTIONS] <input tractogram> <input field data> <input field owner> <input field data type> <input field data dimension> <field name>


  • <input tractogram> TEXT:FILE REQUIRED Input tractogram

  • <input field data> TEXT:FILE REQUIRED Input field data

  • <input field owner> TEXT REQUIRED Can be either “POINT” or “STREAMLINE”

  • <input field data type> TEXT REQUIRED Can be either “float” or “int”

  • <input field data dimension> INT REQUIRED Dimension of the field data

  • <field name> TEXT REQUIRED Field name to write in the surface

General options

Option Description
-h, --help Print this help message and exit.
-v, --verbose TEXT Verbose level. Options are "quiet", "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", and "debug". Default=info.
-f, --force Force overwriting of existing file.