February 6th, 2025
UPDATE: Trekker v1.0.0-rc3 is out with major improvements and bug fixes! See below for a list of changes.
Trekker offers state-of-the-art tractography tools to study the structural connectivity of the brain. Trekker aims to improve fiber tracking pipelines by offering features like:
Well-organized, clean, probabilistic streamline tractography using the parallel transport tractography (PTT) algorithm.
A comprehensive set of tractogram filtering options, including support for anatomical constraints using surface meshes.
Compatibility with .vtk format, to enable the use of powerful third-party 3D rendering software, such as Paraview, for easy and high-quality visualizations.
Support for asymmetric FODs, providing greater flexibility in fiber tracking.
Several features designed for high-performance computing (HPC), including multithreading, time-limited tracking, and a user-friendly command line interface.
Since 2017, algorithms and pipelines based on Trekker have earned awards in every international tractography competition, each featuring different themes.
See also
🏆 Awards and Recognitions
Tractography pipelines based on Trekker have earned awards in every international tractography challenge since 2017. Click here to learn more about Trekker’s awards.
Option 1: Stand-alone executables¶
Download the appropriate stand-alone executable for your operating system:
After downloading and extracting the archive, you can run the executable.
Download and extract the datasets and scripts we prepared for testing by clicking here,
Copy paste your executable under the
folder.Run the provided test script for your operating system.
permission denied error: If you encounter this when trying to run the executable on Linux or macOS, open a terminal, navigate to the directory where you extracted the file, and run the following command:
chmod +x <executable name>
Replace <executable name>
with the actual name of the executable file (e.g., trekker_linux
or trekker_macOS
). Then, try running the executable again.
macOS errors related to llvm and libomp: If you encounter errors related to missing OpenMP or libomp, please see the provided test script for macOS in this link, which gives an example for how to set these paths and install dependencies if needed.
Option 2: Building from source¶
Trekker is natively supported on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Trekker can be installed with a minimal set of standard development tools.
For detailed instructions to build from source, please check the Readme file in GitHub.
Shortly, if your system has CMake (min version 3.15), OpenMP, and a modern compiler. The following should be sufficient for the compilation.
Note: clang-v19 is known NOT to work with this version of Trekker due to a conflict with an internal dependency. Please use clang-v18 instead.
Step 1: Download the Source Code
git clone
Step 2: Modify and run the build script
For Linux: Edit
For Windows: Edit
For macOS: Edit
Simply run trekker
on the terminal. This will display help and the commands, which are listed below:
Command | Description |
info | Displays information about input file. |
track | Performs fiber tracking using parallel transport tractography (PTT) algorithm. PTT excels in reconstructing geometrically smooth and topographically organized fiber bundles. |
filter | Trekker employs an intuitive set of pathway rules to filter tractograms. The rules can be specified with surface meshes, as well as with spheres, image masks and partial volume fractions. |
track2img | Maps tractogram features on an image. |
track2surf | Maps tractogram features on a surface. |
img2track | Maps image values on a tractogram. |
select | Selects streamlines from a tractogram. |
resample | Resamples streamlines in a tractogram. |
convert | Converts tractogram file formats (.vtk, .tck, .trk). |
transform | Applies a transform on an input tractogram. |
diff | Finds different streamlines between two tractograms. |
merge | Merges two tractograms, optionally ignoring duplicates. |
addColor | Adds colors to streamlines (.vtk only). |
fieldExport | Exports a selected vtk field from a tractogram (.vtk only). |
fieldImport | Adds a new vtk field with values read from a file (.vtk only). |
fieldRemove | Removes a vtk field from a tractogram (.vtk only). |
dMRI | dMRI commands |
Fiber tracking example:
./trekker track \
FOD.nii.gz \
--seed_surf_useSurfNorm \
--seed_count 100000 \
--pathway discard_if_ends_inside WHITE_MATTER.nii.gz \
--pathway discard_if_enters CSF.nii.gz \
--minLength 20 \
--maxLength 300 \
--output OUT_TRACK.vtk
Fiber filtering example:
# You can use the --seed option when filtering too.
./trekker filter \
--pathway require_end_inside LEFT_THAL.nii.gz \
--output OUT_TRACK.vtk
Release notes for Trekker-v1.0.0-rc3¶
New feature: track can now save seed indices as a vtk field.
Bug fix 1: Fixed an issue when stopping rule was ignored when a seed was places on edges.
Bug fix 2: Fixed an issue with segment surface intersection.
Bug fix 3: select indexing fixed.
Bug fix 4: Fixed an issue preventing streamline truncation at max length in some cases.
Bug fix 5: Fixed MacOS support.
Bug fix 6: Fixed Windows support.
Bug fix 7: tran_shi_2015 model no more gets stuck when running.
Improvement 1: Added stricter pathway rule validation for track and filter.
Improvement 2: In filter, changed option name –seedTrials to –seed_trials to be consistent with track. Also added –output, -o option for the same reason.
Improvement 3: Seedless filtering now works independent from online filtering and it works faster.
Improvement 4: Upgraded to CLI11-v2.4.2
Improvement 5: Provided stand-alone executables for macOS and Windows.
Improvement 6: Provided basic test routines.
Release notes for Trekker-v1.0.0-rc2¶
Bug fix 1: Fixed a bug which prevented using negative labels for selecting surface ROIs.
Bug fix 2: Fixed a bug in track2surf that was introduced as a result of the major updates in rc1, which led to the saving of wrong field information for mapped streamlines on surface meshes.
Improvement 1: Added a new command info, which prints basic information about input files.
Improvement 2: Added a new command dMRI recon tran_shi_2015, which fits dMRI data onto a compartment model proposed in [TranShi2015].
Improvement 3: Added option to flip surface normals when defining pathway rules.
Improvement 4: Added option to use only the surface boundary when the provided mesh is closed for defining pathway rules.
Improvement 5: (As a solution to the nibrary issue submitted by Xi Zhu) Added option to use ascii (text) files for defining seed density for fiber tracking with surface-based seeding.
Improvement 6: Random seeds are now sampled using an approach based on cumulative distribution function instead of rejection sampling.
Release notes for Trekker-v1.0.0-rc1¶
Bug fix 1: Fixed a bug in track where streamlines were not stopped as expected when a pathway rule was set. This issue occurred because track allowed stop options unsupported by nibrary. The fix involved providing nibrary with the necessary stopping features during tracking.
Bug fix 2: (Thanks to John Kruper for spotting this one!) Fixed a bug in track related to the computation of data support in parallel transport tracking. Previously, the contribution from the last part of the probe was reused as the first part’s contribution in the next iteration to speed up computation. This fix ensures the data support contribution is computed only once for the first part and reused for other candidate probes. Although this bug has existed since v0.5, it should not significantly affect results with default probe quality (4) and length (0.25 x voxel size). However, it may impact streamlines computed with longer probe lengths and lower quality probes.
Bug fix 3: Fixed a bug affecting both track and filter, where streamlines were not following the require_end_inside rule. The issue occured because this rule was commented out during a part of the development, and it was forgotten to be restored.
Improvement 1: Reorganized the code to harmonize the handling of segment-surface interactions.
Improvement 2: Switched to the double datatype in certain functions to better manage edge cases.
With the beta release (May 21st, 2024), Trekker has gone through significant changes:
- Powered by nibrary, Trekker now features:
Support for surface based tracking and filtering
Advanced pathway rules for filtering streamlines
Subcommands to perform various tractogram operations
Improved command line interface
- While the core fiber tracking algorithm (PTT) works the same, the new version of Trekker is not compatible with the previous versions due to the above changes.
Remark: Your previous code (script) written for earlier versions of Trekker need to be modified to work with the latest version.
- Some existing features in earlier versions of Trekker are currently missing in the latest version:
Windows compatibility
Python and Matlab support
Exporting of a .json formatted tracking report
Enjoy the new Trekker!